Unknown Knights: Pixel RPG
Calling all pixel enthusiasts!
Gather around and join forces in Unknown Knights: Pixel RPG, where you’ll find a world full of valiant knights, powerful weapons, and endless fun! Don’t wait any longer; join our Knightley pixel squad today!
Attention all collectors!
You won’t want to miss out on the incredible character collection and growth opportunities in Unknown Knights: Pixel RPG! From mighty Warriors to stealthy Assassins, don’t miss out on collecting these pixel characters. Assemble your team of knights and prepare for battle – once you taste victory, you’ll be hooked on collecting even more!
Ready for a fresh and exciting gaming experience?
With an incredible range of pixel knights with unique occupations, you’ll enjoy the joy of collecting and discovering your perfect knight. Don’t forget to strike a pose when you achieve victory – each pixel character has its own signature move that adds to the fun and excitement of the game!
Unknown Knights: Pixel RPG Links:
iOS Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/stormshot-isle-of-adventure/id6443388218
Android Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sivona.stormshot.e
Company: FunPlus International AG
Rated: 9+
Offers in-app Purchases
Hey Casual Gamers!
One of the better things I’m glad the future has brought us is casual Role Playing Games on my phone or tablet. With just a tab and a push I’m in a different realm dealing with monsters and dragons alike. Of course other things are vying for my attention while playing, but that little visit does wonders for my sanity.
Unknown Knights offers that quick trip into a pixelated landscape that dares to be explored. Is it truly worth your casual time and phone space? Grab your sword and slash into this casual review!

Unknown Knights starts off in a mystical way of the player being an unknown hero of an ancient war. With a memory erased and all signs of power gone, players must venture through a vast story to put down the dark lord once and for all!
While the story sounds rather typical of a great RPG, the animation and gameplay makes it stand out from the rest.
Not to mention that there are no American voices to be heard. Meaning there’s a great dose of JRPG vibes that is flavored in pixel theme background.

Unknown Knights is a pixelated delight for your phone or tablet! The JRPG vibes work perfectly with the art style given from this casual app.
While the battles seem to start in a familiar manner, it’s very easy to seem that no battle plays the same.
It’s also worth noting that I always feel like skills that are screamed before used hit harder than the rest. This casual app does it in spades and gives quite the visual, making for great eye candy in auto mode.

In this living of casual life, something has to be really great to get your attention. I didn’t come in expecting much in the area of background music, but this was one time I was pleasently happy.
Unknown knights has a great way of drawing you in with some epic music and voice effects! While there isn’t any English voice overs, those who enjoy their anime with subtitle will feel right at home.
There’s always a good feel of hearing Japanese voices in a RPG. Most readers these days don’t have to go through the strife of finding a great game only for it to be in another region.
Most things can be downloaded now, but back in the day we had to get phsycial copies of everything! So if you really wanted that epic game art, you had to embrace the different language.
Alas, I digress. Long story short I enjoy JRPGs and the entertainment limitation opened my mind to different languages!

Unknown Knights doesn’t give too much hassle when it comes to making decisions and control. Most of the selections are clicking on a menu icon and making something start or get a reward. When it comes to casual gaming, those are the type of selections that can’t be beat!
There can be a times confusion when it comes to upgrades, but nothing a little muscle memory to make this issue a non-factor.
The Power of in-app Purchases

So what’s the actual pricing of Unknown Knights? Truthfully, I feel that it’s an acceptable free to play casual app!
The in game ads tend to say different however. While some pricing seems manageable, prices for ad free and other generally low purchases seem a bit high. This could be due to the pacing of this casual app which tends to be a bit slow.
What does slow mean? Well, compared to similar apps, progression seems to hit a paywall around the third world.
Heroes seem to hit a peak in arena as well, but thankfully the ranking decays allowing players to complete the daily tasks given.
There are some rather elusive deals that will pop up here and there, but for the most part, make sure you know what you are getting into when making a purchase.
The Verdict

Overall, Unknown Knights is a rather interesting JRPG for your phone or tablet. With a captive story and vivid gameplay, I can definitely see myself logging a few times a week just to see how the story progresses.
It doesn’t hurt that the graphics really gives the vibes of yesteryear’s greatest hits. Should you find yourself lacking a digital world to get lost in, this casual app could be your casual escape to a world in need of a hero.
Already maxed out heroes and looking for a place to brag? Drop a comment in the section below and let us know your favorite line up!
Happy Gaming, and as always, keep it casual!
Unknown Knights Overall Score: 5/5
Unknown Knights: Pixel RPG Links:
iOS Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/stormshot-isle-of-adventure/id6443388218
Android Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sivona.stormshot.e
Company: FunPlus International AG
Rated: 9+
Offers in-app Purchases