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Sniper 3D Assassin: Shoot To Kill

Sniper 3D Assassin Shoot To Kill Replay - The Casual App Gamer

Sniper 3D Assassin: Shoot To Kill Review!

“Take your sniper, aim and start shooting your enemies.
If you like war games or FPS games, you will love Sniper 3D Assassin®: one of the most fun and addicting shooting games ever!

Start the killing: FIGHT the global war on crime and become the ULTIMATE SHOOTER.”

Sniper 3D Assassin: Shoot To Kill Links:

iOS Link:

Android Link:

Company: Fun Games For Free

Genre: First Person Shooter

Rated: 17+

Offers in-app Purchases


Shoot at your target!

Sniper 3D Assassin: Shoot To Kill is a first-person shooter where you play the role as the sniper – obviously. In this game, it’s your job to aim and shoot down targets on its various missions.

You must complete 30 primary missions to get through various regions such as Tonka Bay, Porter Heights and Jandsburg. You will also need to complete Spec OPS missions, and there are additional missions you can play through to gain more coins. With the coins, you can upgrade your guns, or invest in entirely new ones.

I enjoyed the amount of variety that was available in the missions. In some, you have to shoot down one person; in others, you have to shoot down multiple moving targets. Most of these missions are based in civilian settings but I personally think it would be cool if there were missions based in military settings too.


Detailed graphics – showing your bullet moving through the air!

Sniper 3D Assassin: Shoot To Kill has smooth 3D city landscapes that are high in detail. There is also an amazing great gunshot graphical effect when you pull off shots that finish missions. The bullet travels in slow motion before destroying the target.


Apart from the menu pages, Sniper 3D Assassin: Shoot To Kill doesn’t have a lot of music. There are realistic sound effects and some in-game speech on its missions which is a nice effect. During the actual missions, I’m glad there isn’t any music because I feel like it would be quite off-putting. Especially because of the concentration needed to kill your target.


Control your gun easily!

I absolutely love the control system because it makes it very easy to aim your gun at the target. All you need to do is swipe up and down, left and right to move your target scope around. Then all you need to do is drag the zoom bar up to zoom in and then you tap the bullet button to shoot the target. If you want to score more points, aim for a headshot.

The Power of in-app Purchases

Purchase lots of different packages!

There are quite a few different types of currencies available on Sniper 3D Assassin: Shoot To Kill. These currencies range from packages, diamonds, coins, battle tokens and even a premium subscription.

You can also purchase energy with gems when you run out.

The premium subscription is £4.49 a WEEK and you can get:

I personally think this premium subscription isn’t very good for the money. At first, I thought it was £4.49 a month but to find out it’s per week and the total cost per month is £17.96 makes me think that the developers are trying really hard to get money out of you.

The verdict

What did you think of Sniper 3D?

I pretty much enjoyed everything about Sniper 3D Assassin: Shoot To Kill from the gameplay to the detailed graphics. My only problem with it was that the developers seem to be money grabbers with the amount they charge for their subscription and how after a while you need to purchase coins to carry on anyway.

Sniper 3D Assassin: Shoot To Kill is not for the faint-hearted as you can clearly see the blood come out of the victim once you have shot them and I think it is fair that this game is 17+. I wouldn’t recommend it to children.

In conclusion, I am most definitely going to continue playing this game. It’s super addictive and it feels very rewarding when you get your target – especially when it’s a headshot!

If you decide to download Sniper 3D Assassin: Shoot To Kill, let us know what you thought and if you agree or disagree with any of the things we said. Happy gaming!

Sniper 3D Assassin: Shoot To Kill Overall Rating: 4/5

Sniper 3D Assassin: Shoot To Kill Links:

iOS Link:

Android Link:

Company: Fun Games For Free

Genre: First Person Shooter

Rated: 17+

Offers in-app Purchases

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