A RPG of a Unique Dark Fantasy World
The famous Japanese director Yoko Taro
and composer Okabe Keiichi·MONACA
invite you to a cruel story featuring
characters from fairy tales.
◈An Epic Story of Girls’ Desires
a place where all of the world’s stories are gathered.
Now, here at the library,
the girls’ struggle to complete the story of their desires.
◈Delve into Your Favorite Character’s Story
As the story of your character unfolds,
the truth is revealed in a Crossover Tale –
iOS Link:
Android Link:
Company: Pokelabo, Inc.
Genre: RPG
Rated: 12+
Offers in-app Purchases
Hey Casual Gamers! We all have our favorite Grimm’s story we heard as a child. These tales of wonder and mystery have spun into some of the greatest movies and TV shows millions still watch.
But now, SINoALICE offers a much darker retelling of a story, from the view of the charterers.

If you’re a Fan of Yoko Taro’s games like the Drakengard series, and the wildly popular spinoff Nier Automata (Do yourself a favor and buy this game!) this will be an enjoyable casual app for you!
You are introduced to these two creepy martinets that start to tell a story about characters looking for a long dead author. These characters then find wonderful and dark ways to incorporate killing countless to achieve their goals.
It’s a pretty legit story that branches into an even bigger story as some characters interact with each other as the story progresses.
There’s some typical RNG components, but it doesn’t make anything seem tedious.
Music and Sounds

I absolutely love the music in SINoALICE. There’s no English audio as the characters tell their stories. The way the story is written and a strong overture easily makes up for that. The soundtrack has an impressive way of drawing you into the game even more.
I wasn’t as blown away by the sounds, but they were pretty meta and didn’t take anything away.
Still completely worth turning the volume on for this casual app!

SINoALICE really feels like a great story that’s mixed with fighting. It’s a point and click adventure until it comes to completing tasks.
At some point, you may overpower creatures with weapons leaving you too powerful to auto your tasks away. When that happens you can just click on weapon to make an attack with it. There’s also summons that can be used even with auto-attacks activated. Use summons wisely as they will come in handy during a tough battle!
The Power of In-App Purchases

SINoALICE supplies players with a hefty starting bonus of crystals and coins. This is on top of all the daily login gifts and other events going on. I truthfully haven’t had the need to even look at the prices. Naturally I had to for the review, but it’s truthfully the last thing thought about while playing.
I can really come to enjoy playing casual app games that don’t require a startup fee to feel powerful. I haven’t ventured into the coliseum yet, but if it goes along the current style of the game, I’m sure I won’t be need to make any purchases anytime soon.
Wallets Rejoice!
This is yet another marvelous instant download from SquareEnix and Pokelabo, Inc. The story of the players is one thing, but even the weapons have some rather amazing backgrounds.
It’s safe to say if you’re one to skip all the talking and get down to business, SINoALICE have some rather unique ways to accommodate your playstyle. Even the creator is cool if you make it a skipfest.
Looking for a tier list to see what’s the strongest? Check MrGuider’s List!
Happy Gaming, and as always keep it casual!
SINoALICE Overall Score: 5/5
iOS Link:
Android Link:
Company: Pokelabo, Inc.
Genre: RPG
Rated: 12+
Offers in-app Purchases