Sdorica: Sunset Review
Legend has it that the world was once pitch black. Humans were puppets of the giant dragon “Sdorica”. As a “Watcher”, how will you change this world?…
Four years in development, Rayark Games’ latest work challenges the limits of visual design, music performance and story telling in a Role-playing game.
– Visuals
In the colorful and magnificent environment, every single character will be on stage. Experience a picturesque, storybook-like adventure.
– Music
Handled by Chamber Chu, the composer of DEEMO’s main soundtrack, a fully orchestrated soundtrack materializes the world note by note.
– Storytelling
Displayed with fully animated cutscenes handcrafted by 2D animators. In addition to the main storyline, the side stories of over 30 characters are woven together to create this grand tale.
– Strategy
Support, Attack and Defense; three classes of characters complement each other. From picking team members to planning a strategy based on the number of blocks on board, enage in exhilarating battles that challenge your tactical mind. -Rayark Inc
Sdorica: Sunset Links:
Company: Rayark Inc.
Genre: Anime, RPG
Rated: 9+
Offers In-App Purchases
Hey Casual Gamers! If you haven’t guessed by now, I’m a huge fan of good Role Playing Games! The struggle can be extreme when trying to find a decent one on your phone. Today, I present Sdorica: Sunset for your casual role playing pleasure. Let’s dig into the review to find out!

Sdorica starts with a stunning cinematic to set the right tone. To put it simply, a giant dragon by the name of Sdorica controlled the lands at the dawn of time, leaving the lands dark. This dragon gave humans eternal life but at the cost of their freedom. It was only a matter of time before the king of the people, Vedacti, sought to slay the dragon and end the darkness. After a valiant battle, humanity was successful in destroying Sdorica, paving a way for the sun and a new world, but at the cost of their immorality.
Skip a thousand years into the future, some humans look to restore the Sdorica, and retain their immorality.

The basis of gameplay comes when you start your journey and are attacked by some of the minions in game. Sdorica is a turn-based puzzler, giving a dash of role-playing with some unique strategies to overcome the enemy.
Sdorica plays almost more like an anime, as most of the voice overs are in Japanese. Subtitles are abound, so it’s very easy to understand what’s going on. I didn’t think I was going to get an animated epic as a free casual app, but it’s pretty safe to say I’m excited over the results.

A visual treat doesn’t prepare you for how really awesome Sdorica is. It was akin to playing a PS4 game on my phone. I suppose we are in the time in our lives when AAA games can be used on mobile devices. At any rate, you can notice and become almost hypnotized by the graphics and attention to detail Rayark Inc. has put into the game. Many of the cut scenes before and after quests are abundant with detail and acting that it’s easy to forget are playing on your phone.

I find it pretty hard to play Sdorica without music. The in-game music is whimsical when exploring, and engaging when it comes down to battle. If you aren’t into hearing Japanese emotes, then the sounds will become annoying to you. They are abundant, which if you are here for an experience, is a wonderful thing. There’s not a time in the game I can think of that the music didn’t accompany the current situation, or become annoying to me.

To my happy surprise, Sdorica plays alot like a puzzler! Instead of hacking and slashing around the environment, you and your opponent take turns attacking. Turns can be used by combining one or four of the same color souls on the bottom of the screen. Each attack is different for each player, and change with variation and intensity the more souls are combined. With the souls coming together randomly, making the best move for the current and future situation comes into play. Taking too much damage? Strategise a way to get four white souls and you can give a massive heal!
The non-combative controls of Sdorica were just as easy. If you ever played an RPG on your phone, it’s usually a mess of menus. I felt a slight menu overload when I was in the main menu. Navigating all the buttons lead me into a few battles I wasn’t ready for, but for the most part it didn’t take away from the general excitement of the game. I suppose I just have to get stronger and take revenge!
The Power of In-App Purchases

Before you jump in and purchase some of the awesome sales and events in the game, I would suggest checking out the Sdorica reddit page. most of the items like Sherlock’s First Jackpot for 1.99 gives a generous amount of items to start off. It’s easy to lose track of what to buy, and not having an ideal starter’s pack to buy and guide into some of the other purchase drove me away from the store.
Sdorica has been a joy to play without a single purchase. So I’m looking forward to finding something good to spend money on in-game. This is the best way to support games you love!

Overall, Sdorica has what it takes to keep a casual place on my phone. This review doesn’t cover most of the gameplay outside of the storyline, but there’s a massive in-game community that can help guide you in the right direction the more you play. The reddit is also a great base to find some casual answers towards your best build! I look forward to more apps like Sdorica to lead the path of great casual gaming!
Overall Rating for Sdorica: 5/5
Sdorica: Sunset Links:
Company: Rayark Inc.
Genre: Anime, RPG
Rated: 9+
Offers In-App Purchases