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Hungry Dragon

Hungry Dragon Replay - The Casual App Gamer

Hungry Dragon Review!

“Unleash fiery fury from above in Hungry Dragon, a fun and frantic flying action game where everything and everyone is on the menu!

Control ferocious dragons and fly, burn and eat your way through a medieval world packed with legends, monsters, and deliciously unsuspecting prey!


• Collect ferocious flying fire-breathing Dragons, each unique in their own way

• Unlock crazy Costumes to fly faster, burn bigger, and eat more

• Equip exotic Pets and weird creatures to boost your power

• Level up and train by feasting on townsfolk, monsters and other delicious prey


• Fly through, explore and destroy a world of villages, forests, hills, and Goblin City!

• Smash through obstacles to access hidden areas in the world

• Feed on more for a higher score – Hungry Dragons are never satisfied!


• Go on a grilling spree in a huge free-roaming world in epic 3D

• Activate Fire Rush and release an inferno incinerating all in your path!

• Roast a medieval feast of monsters, soldiers, trolls, witches, and much more


• Evolve and train Legendary Dragons – strange hybrid monsters and dinosaurs

• Unlock epic special powers – the more you train, the crazier the power!

• Become a legend by competing in Legendary Leagues to defeat friends and foes!”

Hungry Dragon Links:

iOS Link:

Android Link:

Company: Ubisoft

Genre: Action

Rated: 9+

Offers in-app Purchases


The gameplay is seriously addicting!

The aim of the game is very similar to Hungry Shark World where you need to eat everything in order to score points. The idea is to eat everything that is smaller than you in order to keep your life up. Be careful of humans shooting at you, bigger animals, and bombs – these will bring your life down and you’ll die.

The only difference between Hungry Shark World and Hungry Dragon is that in this game, it takes a lot longer to grow.


The graphics are detailed and colorful!

Visually, Hungry Dragon looks really nice. Despite being cartoon-themed, your dragon, the characters around you and the background are all very detailed. There are things going on all the time, meaning you need to keep a close eye on your gameplay to make sure you don’t die.

The game didn’t lag at any point and ran smoothly for the most part. Can’t fault the graphics at all.

Music & Sounds

There is a lot, and I mean a lot of sounds going on during the gameplay, especially when you’re near lots of targets. When there are humans shooting at you, dragons trying to kill you and spiders biting you, there is a lot going on. However, when there isn’t much around there’s calming music which is pretty much the complete opposite to what the game is about.


The controls are really easy to follow!

The controls are pretty simple to follow. On the left, you have a trackpad you move around to control your dragon and an invisible button on the right to boost (making yourself go faster).

The Power of in-app Purchases

Purchase offers, coins, gems, and dragons from the store!

The store is divided into three sections: offers, gems, and coins.


No offers available right now




Dragons are earned by playing the game, however, you can unlock them early at a price.

Each dragon has it’s own qualities, for example, Mad Snax is aggressive with an appetite for chaos and Sparks is a speed serpent who loves to play with food!

The Verdict

What did you think of Hungry Dragon?

Hungry Dragon is most likely staying on my phone, for the main reason that it is extremely addictive. I don’t know what it is, but eating everything in sight is fun. I definitely preferred this game to Hungry Shark World as it visually looked better, sounded better and the gameplay was a lot more interesting.

If you decide to download Hungry Dragon, let us know what you think and if you agree or disagree with any of the things we said. Happy gaming and stay casual!

Hungry Dragon Overall Rating: 4/5

iOS Link:

Android Link:

Company: Ubisoft

Genre: Action

Rated: 9+

Offers in-app Purchases

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