Dragon Ball Legends Review
Dragon Ball Legends Links:
Company: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
Genre: Fighting
Rated: 12+ (Frequent/Intense Cartoon or Fantasy Violence)
IOS Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dragon-ball-legends/id1358222641?mt=8
Android Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bandainamcoent.dblegends_ww&hl=en

Dragon Ball Legends is a mobile fighting game for iOS and Android. During this game, you get to choose three characters from a collection and fight against another player in real life. As each character is defeated, the next take their position. And so on. The winner is the first person to defeat all three fighters in his or her opponent’s team.
Dragon Ball Legends Gameplay

Dragon Ball Legends can be played with just one finger and that, to me, is awesome. Basic attacks are unleashed by tapping the screen, whereas, dodging enemy attacks is enabled through simple swipes. For more complicated moves, Dragon Ball Legends uses a card battle system. Four cards appear during the fight and each has a separate attack of varying power and cost to your fighter’s energy. You can use them together to form amazing combos and some of the cards represent very powerful moves.
Each character gets a different card set to draw on and they appear at random during battles. Eventually, the entire Dragon Ball universe will be available to you.
To check a character’s parameters, Arts and Abilities, go to the character’s status screen. Each character has a specific “Battle Style” that gives them a unique perk.
- Melee Type – Excels in melee attack
- Ranged Type – Excels in ranged attack
- Defense Type – Excels in defending
- Support Type – Excels in buff/debuff
and you will need to check each character’s Battle Style before heading off into battle!
Dragon Ball Legends Graphics

The in-game graphics are rendered in 3D, are quick and look crisp. However, if you have an older or lesser spec’ed smartphone (like myself), you can drop the graphics setting to be less hardware intensive. This will also save on battery power. Fortunately, this doesn’t make a big difference to the graphics at all – they’re still as wonderful and clear as ever!
Dragon Ball Legends Music
The music on the home screen is typical Dragon Ball music, cheerful and powerful with an ear-catching beat. It isn’t too repetitive so it doesn’t get annoying to listen to like a lot of other soundtracks on free-to-play games.
As you’re choosing your team players, the music gets more fast-paced – and it helps you prepare for the game. The music made me feel like I could do anything!
When it comes to the actual gameplay, yourself and the player have voiceovers and to me, it makes the game feel a lot more authentic rather than purely having written scripts that you have to read yourself. Because that can become BORING!
During gameplay, the music gets rocky and feisty. The music basically gets more intense as you get closer to playing the game and I like that. I feel as if it gets you fired up for the fighting match that’s about to start.
Dragon Ball Legends Controls

The control system definitely suits the genre of Dragon Ball Legends. It is more of a strategic card game than a fighting game. To perform attacks, tap the screen and you’re able to move around by swiping the screen. Swipe for movement, side flick for a quick dodge, vertical swipe for a dash/backstep, tap the screen for normal attacks, tap and hold for a ki charge. And that’s it – very simple. Other moves are the same when it comes to a simple tap; tap a card to use it, tap to switch character, tap the player icon to use their ability and tap the Rising Rush icon to use the super.
But don’t be fooled, it isn’t just about tapping a screen, although it does play a big part. During each fight, you’ll be hit with a series of quick-time events that can completely change the outcome. For example, the game has you timing your tap as you attempted to fill up a gauge parallel to the opponent. The victor will receive huge damage, hurling their adversary across the game pitch in a mindblowing way.
Dragon Ball Legends The power of in-app purchases
Chrono Crystals (Dragon Ball Legend’s premium currency) can be purchased in the Shop. Use them for summons and more.
While I was checking the shop, they had some really good deals on for Chrono Crystals:
- 2,000 Chrono Crystals for
£39.99£20.49 - 1,100 Chrono Crystals for
£23.99£11.99 - 320 Chrono Crystals for
£7.99£3.99 - 150 Chrono Crystals for
£3.99£1.99 - 72 Chrono Crystals for £0.99
You can also get Digger, the Chrono Crystal Mining Robot for £7.99 and Skipper, the Skip Ticket Printing Robot for £3.99.
On top of that, like most app games, there are packs you can purchase:
- Training Pack – Crate of Milk Bottles + 320 Chrono Crystals for £7.99
- Starter Pack – Vegeta + 1,100 Chrono Crystals for £23.99
- Starter Pack – Super Saiyan Goku + 1,100 Chrono Crystals for £23.99
I decided to purchase 72 Chrono Crystals which was 50% off, yay! Because I already had 2,829 Chrono Crystals anyway, it didn’t make a massive difference to the gameplay. You need to spend Chrono Crystals to unlock any one of the game’s many characters. It’s definitely worth purchasing if you’re super into the game and finding out more about the characters.
Each day, you’ll be given a one-off discount on the first Summon, dropping the cost to just 20 Crystals. If not, you’ll need to spend 100 Crystals per Summon. While you can drop duplicates, these are also useful as they upgrade existing characters’ Z Power levels.
If you don’t want to spend your cash on unlocking new characters, you can use Event Story mode. These missions are usually pretty simple, like “battle using a specific character 10 times” – so make sure you check the list and try to unlock as many as you can to preserve energy.
Dragon Ball Legends The verdict

Overall, I enjoyed this game to a certain extent. It’s great if you’ve got a few minutes spare (like most free-to-play games) but it does get awfully repetitive after a while. My favorite part of the whole game was the graphics – I found them very crisp, bright and colorful. It definitely adds to the overall great experience of the game. I would definitely recommend this to a Dragon Ball fan – you won’t be disappointed!
Dragon Ball Legends’ Overall Rating: 3/5
IOS Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dragon-ball-legends/id1358222641?mt=8
Android Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bandainamcoent.dblegends_ww&hl=en