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Bullet Echo Review

Bullet Echo Review!

“Lead your team to victory in this unique PvP tactical team shooter – Bullet Echo!

Choose from dozens of different heroes with unique play styles and abilities. Unite with friends, set a strategy, and be the last team standing when the battle ends!”

iOS Link:

Android Link:

Company: ZeptoLab UK

Genre: PvP, Shooter

Rated: 17+

=Offers in-app Purchases


Kill the enemies before they get you!

Bullet Echo is a tactical team shooter that puts you through a pitch-black maze to shoot the opposing team! I quite liked the fact that everything was dark as it was harder to spot any oncoming enemies (you don’t want it to be too easy), but either way, I’ve won every match so far! There are a few different modes to discover:

My personal favorite is Team Vs Team as it allows you to work closely with a few other players and help each other out!


The graphics are great!

The graphics are interesting because you play the whole game from a bird-eye POV. At first, I wasn’t sure how I felt but after a while, it started to make more sense. From a birds-eye view, you can keep an eye on upcoming enemies, find armor and health better, and you can see the map clearer!

Music & Sounds

The audio in the game is very quiet, allowing you to hear any sudden movements. If this game had any music, it would completely ruin the whole vibe, not to mention you wouldn’t be able to hear if an enemy is creeping up on you!


Drag to control!

To move, drag the left-hand side of the screen where the joycon is and the right-hand side to turn. There are also armor and health buttons so keep an eye on them when they get low!

The Power of in-app Purchases

Purchase bucks and coins from the store!



The Verdict

What did you think?!

I wasn’t sure about Bullet Echo from the first impression but as I got used to the controls and whole gameplay in itself, I had a lot of fun. Bullet Echo is definitely staying on my phone!

If you decide to download Bullet Echo, let us know what you think and if you agree or disagree with any of the things we said. Happy gaming and stay casual!

Bullet Echo Overall Rating: 4/5

iOS Link:

Android Link:

Company: ZeptoLab UK

Genre: PvP, Shooter

Rated: 17+

Offers in-app Purchases

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