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10 Celebrities You May Not Know Are Gamers

10 Celebrities You May Not Know Are Gamers

Gamers, we’re not alone in this world of fighting aliens and saving the world – celebrities are in on it too! Here are a few celebrities you probably didn’t know were gamers:

1. Henry Cavill

World of Warcraft almost caused Henry Cavill to miss the chance to play Superman as he was busy on a raid when Zack Snyder called to offer him the role. Luckily, Cavill managed to get a call back later on when he was free and the rest is history!

Cavill’s gaming preference is different from most of the celebrities we’re going to discuss on this list as he much prefers medieval-style games where he’s casting spells and wielding swords. It explains why he was so excited to play The Witcher!

2. Drake

While in the recording studio, Drake and his friends like to play Fortnite. This comes as no surprise, especially since he has shown off his technique and skills with Ninja many times and put together joint streams! Have you watched one?

3. Robin Williams

The late Robin Williams had such a big love for The Legend of Zelda, he even named his daughter Zelda. Now that is pretty awesome! On top of loving the Zelda games, he also loved to play World of Warcraft, Half-Life, Call of Duty, and Battlefield. That’s a pretty solid selection of games from Mr. Williams himself.

4. Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis has said, in her own words, she has a slight addiction to World of Warcraft which seems to be a common theme with celebrity gamers. Kunis has admitted she spends a lot of her free time playing the addictive MMORPG along with Call of Duty.

5. Vin Diesel

Okay, so this is probably one you do know as Vin Diesel has mentioned his love for gaming on multiple occasions. One of his most loved games is Dungeons & Dragons along with Call of Duty – very different games but we appreciate the range!

He even founded a development company called Tigon Studios which helped with the release of The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay on Xbox.

6. Samuel L. Jackson

It comes to us as no surprise that Samuel L. Jackson likes to play video games. Jackson reportedly plays Grand Theft Auto, Fallout, and Call of Duty. It seems he prefers the longer and more complex games and we respect him for that!

7. Daniel Craig

The much loved James Bond star has made comments in the past about how gaming caused some friction between him and his now ex-girlfriend. Ouch! Craig is a fan of the Halo and Guitar Hero series and much prefers shooting aliens rather than human beings!

8. Matthew Perry

Best known for playing Chandler in Friends, Matthew Perry loves to play the Fallout series so much he injured his hand during a marathon session playing Fallout 3! Now that is dedication.

Perry developed carpal tunnel syndrome due to his long gaming sessions and had to receive a number of injections in his hand to help with the pain. But that still hasn’t stopped him!

9. Jack Black

Jack Black has been a part of the video game industry before when he voiced Eddie Riggs in Brutal Legend. He also announced one of his proudest accomplishments was completing Project Gotham Racing – we’re proud of him too!

Did you know he has his own YouTube channel called JablinskiGames where he plays old arcade games, Minecraft, and Red Dead Redemption?

10. Megan Fox

Megan Fox revealed in an interview with Collider that she enjoys playing Halo Reach online with her random people. She also said her favorite part of it is that they have no clue it’s her. “They have no idea.  They make fun of my gamer tag too because it is funny. And they are all a bunch of guys and it is clear that I am a girl so they make fun of my name, and they have no idea they are making fun of me.”

Along with Halo, she enjoys playing Mortal Kombat and has even said she’d be up for playing the role of Kitana if there was ever a big screen Mortal Kombat remake.

Did we miss any? Let us know your favorite celebrity gamers!

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